Vin de Filles

From vines to bottle, we present to you a 100% female produced wine called ‘Vin de Filles’.

About our Project

Our fellowship of women was founded in 2020 and continues to evolve. We voluntarily care for specific rows of vines at the Page Springs House Mountain and Dos Padres vineyards. Working with the vines for their entire growing cycle, we are lucky to bring our harvest into the cellar to ferment, press, and bottle the fruit of our labor.

The mission of this wine has been to highlight the vitality and feminine strength within the world of wine. This project has allowed us to extend the empowerment of women not only in the wine industry but to women in the community. The majority of the net profit sales of this wine are donated to The Verde Valley Sanctuary, a local nonprofit that supports women who have been involved in domestic abuse, assault, and human trafficking.

About the Wine

House Mountain Syrah co-fermented with Dos Padres Malvasia in a wild fermentation process. Syrah takes the lead contributing bright and jammy fruits, while the Malvasia delivers a bouquet of crushed violets. This wine is bright and fresh, feminine and strong, sanguine and cheerful. The juxtaposition of these traits mirrors the beautiful tenacity of the women who created it.

Only 77 cases produced

2023 Vintage Release Fundraising Dinner

4th Annual Dinner on October 20 and 21, 2024

Tickets and menu released in August!

Need a place to stay?

Check out Pines Inn and Suites. Women owned, managed and supporting the Vin de Filles project. Visit them at


Verde Valley Sanctuary receives $40,000 from Vin de Filles

The Verde Independent

COTTONWOOD – For the third year in a row, ‘Vin de Filles’, an Arizona wine grown, produced and bottled by women, has created a project to raise money for the Verde Valley Sanctuary.
Since 2020, a group of women ranging from 11 to 68 years of age have been nurturing Malvasia and Syrah, two different grape varieties.
Vin de Filles’ project is aimed to inspire and teach women of the food and beverage industry.
Through silent auctions, and profits of ticket, wine and T-shirt sales, Vin de Filles donated $40,000 to Verde Valley Sanctuary in 2023, $40,000 in 2022, and $25,000 in 2021, totaling $105,000 in the past three years.
Created 30 years ago, Verde Valley Sanctuary’s mission “is to provide safety, services, and comfort to survivors of domestic and sexual violence:
‘We are extremely thrilled to have received this donation,” Executive Director Jessye Johnson said. “Not only will it very much benefit what we do at Verde Valley Sanctuary, but we have also created a great partnership with Vin de Filles’ project.”
The $40,000 donation allows Verde Valley Sanctuary to continue running their 24/7 pet-friendly emergency shelter, transitional housing with the match savings program, Lay Legal Advocacy, community-based advocacy, youth violence prevention education, and a 24/7 crisis hotline.
“It was really important for Vin de Filles that the funds go directly to supporting survivors,” Johnson said. “Both our shelter and transitional housing are pet-friendly and that was also very important for Vin de Filles. They really wanted to support those two.”
A check presentation took place on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at Page Spring Cellars.

Click here to view the full feature at

Arizona’s Family News

We are featured in Arizona Family’s On Your Side presentation “Girls’ wine’ project empowers women in male-dominated wine industry” by Susan Campbell. See the excerpt below:

As the sun rose across the vineyard at House Mountain in Cornville, a rainbow stretched across the sky. Under its bright colors, 16 women moved quickly and carefully through the vines, harvesting two rows of grapes. “We’ve worked the whole season — from about January when we started pruning, we have cared for these vines,” said Gayle Glomski from Page Springs Cellars. “Now is the moment where the vines are giving back.”

Click here to view the full feature at Arizona’s Family

Edible Phoenix

We are featured in Edible Phoenix’s article “Vin de Filles The women and inspiration behind the annual release of Vin de Filles at Page Springs Cellars” by Gay Chanler. See the excerpt below:

Each followed her heart and individual path to pursue winemaking; those paths serendipitously converged at Page Springs Cellars. For over a decade, through hands-on learning, they have gained expertise in all facets of grape growing, harvesting, fermentation, blending, and the fine details of the vintner’s craft. Their shared, immersive experience led to the idea of an all-woman-produced wine, Vin de Filles. The upcoming annual release celebration is all about women: showcasing women chefs; additional women winemakers and vineyard owners; and now a beer brewer. The proceeds benefit a local women’s shelter.

Click here to view the full article at Edible Phoenix

The Vintner Project

Vin De Filles is featured in The Vintner Project’s article “Fifteen (Or So) Women We Are Toasting This International Women’s Day …And the Wines We Are Toasting Them With” by Devin Parr. See the excerpt below:

Gayle’s wine beginnings go back to 2003 when her husband, Eric Glomski, founded Page Springs Cellars in the Verde Valley appellation of Arizona. Not only has Gayle found ways to integrate her experience in wellness pillars at Page Springs and beyond – she is a massage therapist, yoga teacher, and dance instructor, and has launched a line of grape-derived skincare products – she is also deeply committed to women’s issues. In 2020, she conceived the “Vin de Filles” project — a 100% woman-produced wine from vine to bottle. The majority of net profits from sales of this wine benefit the Verde Valley Sanctuary, a local non-profit dedicated to supporting women who have been victims of domestic abuse, assault, and human trafficking.

Gayle on Embracing Equity:

Embrace ‘Fairness’ not ‘Equality’ for women in the wine industry. I don’t believe that any human is equal to another human, i.e.. exactly the same. However, I believe that knowledge and opportunity should be equally available to women and each human should be encouraged to find and use their own strengths in whatever it is they find passion in.”

Click here to view the full article at

Vin de Filles raises $40,000 for Verde Valley Sanctuary

Our 2nd dinner for the 2021 vintage release in October 2022 was a roaring success. All the silent auction, raffle proceeds, net profits of ticket sales, wine sales, and t-shirt sales were donated to VVS totaling $40,000. The inaugural Vin de Filles event in 2021 yielded $25,000 also benefitting VVS.

Click here to view the Verde Valley Sanctuary newsletter or visit thier website at

Wine Women on Radio Misfits

Listen to this episode from Wine Women on Radio Misfits on Spotify. VIN DE FILLES: An Arizona Women’s Wine Project Not only does Arizona have a thriving wine industry, but there’s a vast breadth of talented women working there in the industry to bring women-made, women-supported, and women-affiliated wines to market.
